I am from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have studied fitness, anatomy and nutrition for the past ten years and though I enjoyed it, it always felt incomplete. The result I gained for myself, as well as those I taught, was purely physical. Seeing that mere physical freedom was only part of the equation of finding happiness in life, I began to look into yoga. Through trying many studios and styles of yoga from Kuṇḍalinī to hot yoga to flow classes, I found that many yoga studios were teaching precisely what I was trying to expand from: physical fitness. Sure, many yoga teachers theorized and hypothezied about this physical practice and its effect on the mind, but through my background in psychology, I saw it was merely a super-sensual experience and not really a shift taking place. A lot of questions remained unanswered. I decided India was the only place to search and find a real sense of yoga. Thankfully, it was effortless to find Shri Kali Ashram. Traditional tantra yoga etched deeply into my mind and just felt like an “ah-ha moment.” Without even analyzing, I just organized my trip and went. My family was shocked at how committed I was. After learning this system from Ācārya Bhagavan Shanmukha, I finally felt I was learning something real, valid, and wholesome. This tantric science has given me the information to pursue my own course of happiness and share this happiness and love with others.