I am a trained psychiatrist, integrative body psychotherapist and reconnective healing practitioner in Switzerland.

Since many years i practice on and off different styles of Yoga including Asthanga Yoga. Following my longing for a deeper relaxation, embodiment and inner connection to my essence through the body I found and choosed Shri Kali Ashram for a stay and Yoga teacher training.

After having Seen the Homepage and got a taste of the meditative approach by watching the Short Film I was convinced it was a place to go for me. And. . . I found what i was Looking for!

I enjoyed many things: the beautiful location in the nature of Goa, the gentle Start in the day with the Siddhi Massage, the meditative and highly effective Yoga asana Serie, the gentleness of the teaching. For me it was a experience of learning which was opposite to my conditioning and my previous experiences: progression happens through being and letting go of tensions and not through pushing and being hard with oneself. Mentally I knew this before but the cellular experience I got here in my prestigious time in the Ashram.

I feel this approach is a helpful way for individuals of our mental western culture. I hope this Ashram continues to be a place for reconnection with the essence and healing in the Future for many others!